The holidays are famous for weight gain woes. It’s as if everyone expects to gain weight between Thanksgiving and New Years. It doesn’t have to be that way! With just a few mindful tips and strategic planning you can fully enjoy holiday parties and fun without the unwanted weight gain. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Holiday parties usually land on the weekend and most people only have three or four holiday party get-togethers during the entire season. Just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean you need to abandon all healthy eating habits during the week or during non-party meals on the weekend. Make it a point to stick to your diet and exercise routine during the week as normal as possible. Find some new recipe’s for healthy meals that incorporate new spices, vegetables or ingredients you don’t usually use. This will help you feel that you aren’t missing out on indulgent meals. Also continue your weekday workout routine. Fit in your healthy habits during the week so you can treat yourself moderately on the weekend!
This is a game of ’Worth it/Not Worth it.’ Quickly scan the spread of food at the buffet or family gathering and decide which foods are worth the extra calories and those that aren’t. There should only be two or three items that fit into this category. After you’ve decided which items you can’t live without only take a small portion and fill the rest of your plate with healthy options like fresh veggies, and yummy salads. This is the perfect way to balance out the other not-so-healthy foods. Let’s be realistic. Just because there are 3 different types of pies staring you in the face, doesn’t mean you have to eat a slice of each one. Pick the one that’s “worth it†and don’t think twice about the rest.
If you have the urge to go back for more tell yourself to wait 15 minutes. Chances are after a few minutes your brain gets the signal that you are in fact satisfied and don’t need the extra helping. Going back for seconds is a slippery slope to overeating and regret. Focus on socializing with friends and family with a glass of water in your hand. Remember, you’ll be glad you didn’t go back for more later when everyone else is feeling sick or uncomfortable.
Did you know that the more sleep deprived you are, the more hunger hormones your body creates? Get eight hours or more each night and your body will function better. Sleep affects so many areas of your body and mind, including weight gain and eating habits. Adequate sleep will also help you avoid sickness during the holiday months, because no one has time to be sick!
Stress typically goes hand-in-hand with the holidays, but this year we challenge you to stay stress-free! It’s okay to say no when too many demands are being placed on your time. Do whatever it takes to de-stress after a long day. Treat yourself to a soothing facial or take a hot bath. Stress can increase cortisol levels which are directly related to weight gain, too. Less stress will help you stay healthier, happier and at your ideal weight.
These simple strategies lay a foundation for a healthier holiday season and a happier one, too! Happy and healthy is the name of the game!
And if you need an extra boost, reserve a weight loss treatment or a body contouring treatment for the holiday season! You deserve it!
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