The holidays are famous for weight gain woes. It’s as if everyone expects to gain weight between Thanksgiving and New Years. It doesn’t have to be that way! With just a few mindful tips and strategic planning you can fully enjoy holiday parties and fun without the unwanted weight gain. Here are a few tips […]
Chiropractic’s Story of the Year 2017
100th Anniversary
7 Things to Do Following a Car Accident
Unexpected Cause of Opioid Addiction and How You Can Prevent It
5 Things You Should Know If You’re In An Accident
1. Costs – There is generally no “out of pocket” cost for insured motorists in Utah when you are injured in an accident. The state of Utah has a no fault insurance clause stating that if you are in an accident, whether it is your fault or not, there is no out of pocket costs […]
Migraine Headaches Salt Lake City
Herinated disc
Deep Tissue Laser Therapy