Sports Injuries
Injuries can occur in any sport. Whether you participate icn gymnastics, football, basketball, skiing, bicycling, or any other sport, injuries are always possible. Sports injuries can affect any part of the body and some of these injuries can develop over time due to repetitive movement. Two of the most common types of sports injuries include sprain and strain.
Sprain generally happens when one or more ligaments are stretched. The symptoms can include pain, bruising, swelling, tenderness in the muscle, or around the joint. It may become difficult to move the affected body part.
Back Pain
Back pain is often caused by a sprain or strain in the lower back. It is important to warm up properly before exercise to reduce the risk of back pain.
If you are experiencing back pain, you may feel tension, soreness, or stiffness in the lower back. However, you can also feel pain anywhere in the body from the neck to the legs.
Bone Injuries
Certain repetitive activities and heavy impact while playing certain sports can cause bone injuries. This can lead to a stress fracture, a broken ankle, shin splints, broken leg, broken toe or a broken wrist or arm. It is common to experience inflammation and pain in the tissue when you experience bone injuries.
However, the pain associated with a broken bone can sometimes be severe, and may you feel sick and dizzy. If any body part looks deformed, make sure to reach out to your doctor immediately.
Hamstring Injuries
Have you heard about hamstring injuries? Hamstring injuries are common among athletes and recreational exercisers. Hamstring injuries are tears to large muscles at the back of the thigh. Jumping, running, or performing lunging can cause the hamstring tendons to tear.
While the symptoms include a feeling of tightness, in some cases, you may experience swelling and bruising.
Head Injuries
Another common category of sports injury includes head injuries. Minor head injuries such as bruises and bumps are common. If you are experiencing one of the following symptoms, make sure to reach out to your doctor at the earliest.
- Difficulty speaking
- Unconsciousness
- Difficulty staying awake
- Difficulty understanding what people say
- Vomiting
- Double vision
It is important to see a doctor as head injuries can cause underlying damage.
Heel Pain
If the sole of your foot becomes inflamed, you can experience heel pain. It is one of the most common injuries experienced by athletes. While some people can experience heel pain in both heels, it generally affects one heel.
Swollen Joints
Medical conditions that affect the joints or structure around joints often lead to swollen joints. Tennis elbow is an example of swollen joints. It affects the outside of the elbow and is often caused by repetitive movement of the muscles in the lower arm.
Shoulder Pain
You can experience shoulder pain if you are involved in sports that include throwing or bowling like baseball or cricket, you can experience shoulder pain. Tendons around the shoulder can become inflamed and cause pain.
You can also experience shoulder pain due to sudden impact or if heavy objects fall on you. If you have dislocated your shoulder, you won’t be able to move your arm.
Chiropractic Care Treatment for Sports Injuries
Chiropractic care treatment can be used to provide relief from pain and discomfort caused by sports injuries. Chiropractors use an array of techniques to help you align your spine without surgery or addictive medications.

High-Tech Laser Treatment
This new technology offers advanced pain relief and expedited healing times through a process known as photobiostimulation. Laser treatment is one of the fastest ways to allow injured tissues to heal at an accelerated rate.
Spinal Decompression
A highly effective, scientific therapy that studies have shown an 86% success rate in treating herniated and degenerative discs with a 4% reoccurrence rate after one year. It is our opinion that surgery should never be considered before this type of treatment is utilized.

Therapeutic Ultrasound
Ultrasound is a therapeutic treatment using high-frequency sound waves to administer into the region of soft-tissue injuries. Ultrasound shoots millions of sound waves into the tissue to penetrate the tissue deep in the body, creating a heat response that increases blood supply, increase oxygen supply and decrease swelling to the area.
Massage Therapy
We have Certified, Licensed Massage Therapists who help treat patients at our clinic. Massage is helpful in overcoming swelling and pooling of fluids at the site of a recent injury or trauma. Massage also enhances circulation, increases metabolism, enhances joint and muscle function, and promotes the healing process.

Electro Muscle Stimulation
This is a special form of the electrical current that is administered at the site of the soft-tissue injury, especially muscles for blocking pain. Its function is to reduce pain, help decrease swelling, promote general muscle tone, increases oxygen and blood supply to the injured areas, and speeds the healing process.
Exercise and Rehabilitation Therapy
Exercise therapy helps break up fibrotic scar tissue and increase the elasticity and strength of the supporting muscles. A program of carefully designed stretches and exercises helps restore better tone and range of motion to the damaged tissues.
Diathermy Therapy
Diathermy is short-wave magnetic energy used to raise the temperature of certain soft tissue below the surface of the skin. It relaxes muscles and connective tissue. It helps to reduce muscle spasms and cramping, dilates blood vessels, stimulates blood flow, and white cell production. Increases metabolism and waste removal and helps adhesions and scar tissue.

Dr. Grant has treated many professional, Olympic, college, and high school athletes. However, his passion is to treat all patients equally. Whether you are an Olympic skier or housewife, his desire for a successful and healthy outcome is the same.
Looking to get your chiropractic treatment started?
Just visit Dr. James Grant at the Accident and Injury Clinic in Salt Lake City. You can also call now for a free consultation. (801) 663-7685!